Getting Started with Gratitude

Hello friends! For many of us, the past few years since the pandemic began have been rough. A large part of the world has struggled to stay positive and sane as economies and relationships suffered in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. One summer night, while reflecting on the enormity of recent events as I took a walk, I had an idea. An idea that I hoped would change the world by giving it a lift during a time when it is perhaps needed the most. The idea was gratitude. And, after a few months of "ideation gestation," Gratitude Girl was born.

During the pandemic, for the first time in my life, I began keeping a personal gratitude journal with the goal of starting each day by reminding myself of the good things in life. As my journaling evolved, I also began writing down daily, short and long-term goals. The journal became my inspiration, my planner and psychologist all beautifully bound in the first book I'd ever written. Contained inside — an epic tale of a girl trying to stay positive amid a world turned upside down during an unprecedented time in history.

By expressing gratitude every day by writing in my journal alone, I noticed a reduction in stress and improved sleep. When nay-sayers came knocking, it seemed easier for me to let negativity bounce right off of me. And, I can truly say that since gratitude became my daily companion, I am happier overall, even though I work in a highly stressful full-time job.

In fact, the article "28 Benefits of Gratitude & Most Significant Research Findings," lists the following advantages of practicing gratitude daily:

  • Makes you at least 10% happier — really!
  • Increase psychological well-being
  • Enhance our positive emotions
  • Increase our self-esteem
  • Keep suicidal thoughts and attempts at bay
  • Make people like us
  • Improve our romantic relationships
  • Improve our friendships
  • Increases social support
  • Strengthen family relationships in times of stress
  • Make us more optimistic
  • Increase our spiritualism
  • Make us more giving
  • Indicate reduced materialism
  • Enhance optimism
  • Make us more effective managers
  • Reduce impatience and improve decision-making
  • Help us find meaning in our work
  • Contribute to reduced turnover
  • Improve work-related mental health and reduce stress
  • Reduce depressive symptoms
  • Reduce your blood pressure
  • Improve your sleep
  • Increase your frequency of exercise
  • Improve your overall physical health
  • Help people recover from substance misuse
  • Enhance recovery from coronary health events
  • Facilitate the recovery of people with depression

Having felt the benefits of expressing gratitude firsthand, I am eager to share my joy and give back. With the Gratitude Girl persona, I hope to grow gratitude and goodwill globally, and I would be most grateful if you choose to follow along with me on this journey.

With love, light, and gratitude,

Crystal (AE) Gratitude Girl